Unfair and Insensitive Termination

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: CA

I have worked in the self-storage industry as an on-site manager for 3 1/2 years. I live on the property and have an apt. next to the office. While I was away on vacation, my supervisor left a voice-mail message that he changed the locks to the office. I called him back and asked him what does this mean? He told me that I am being replaced by him, because he needed the work and a place to live, plus he has seniority. He mentioned that the employment handbook specifies 72 hours notice to leave and vacate the property, "Employment at Will Policy".
(I never signed the policy handbook agreement, when I came on board 3 1/2 years ago, he forgot about it and so did I). I told him I don't have the financial resources to move and relocate at a moments' notice and I needed to know what are the legal aspects about vacating the premises??? His comment was that I have 1 week of vacation coming and that he did not know the legalities. I told him, that I would need to know more before I move forward. My salary is minimal, $11.00 per hour because I don't pay for rent and utilities. When I look back, he and the owner knew about letting me go months ago, because the owner had a site visit with me and was behaving very aggressively, raising his voice to me in front of customers and calling me "clueless". That went on for 2 days. I think he wanted me to quit. Furthermore, he recently had given the OK to install a new software program in which the supervisor was familiar with and knew how to use. During this interim, the supervisor, was doing a "Witch Hunt" looking for things to find a reason to let me go and until recently he moved his personal belongings to this storage facility, claiming that that it would be cheaper to move it here. When I first took this position, the supervisor, told a former employee from another storage company that he wanted to sabotage me at this facility. Apparently, he wanted to purchase it and the owner changed his mind. Needless to say, his behavior has been "passive aggressive" since I began working here. I have never been written up or had complaints from customers. How should I approach this situation? It's has been 4 days since our last conversation. I do not want to speak to the owner and to the the supervisor until I send them an email about some sort of severance package and give them notice in writing when I will be able to move. The supervisor is currently working at the office with his wife right next to my residence. I feel like a prisoner in my own home.
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Whether you sign the handbook or not is irrelevant lousy deal getting laid off. File for unemployment is about all I see. You can run it by an attorney for clarification, look at the bright side at least you are eligible for unemployment I don't know if the U.I office will factor in the rent as part of your wages or not, but you can ask.
Many states have laws that govern eviction. Whether or not such a law would apply in your particular case I'm not certain. It wouldn't hurt to consult with an an attorney in your area to get a better understanding of your rights. The issue on its face is an employment matter, but it also affects you as a tenant. Was there some type of contract or lease? If so, they may have more hurdles to jump before you have to move, and if they didn't follow the provisions in the contract (if there is one), there may be other legal issues. Just a thought.
Thats a great angle I did not even consider, landlord tenant dispute. Good work M.S. Some states require a notice of eviction,and proceedings.
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