Unfair treatment because of things I know

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I have been at my current employer for the last 6 years. I also have the longest tenure at our company who has seen growth from 3 employees to over 20. During this time, I have done anything and everything for my bosses. I was pretty much their personal assistant. Our company is owned by a husband and wife and they also have a partner who is their best friend from college. For the last 5 years I have always reported directly to the owners and partner when it came to days off, raises and things like that. We also have an office manager who came to work for us the last couple of years to supervise the other 20 or so employees. So I am infact dealing with a 4 headed monster here.

My rate of pay at this job has fluctuated up and down in such a way that I cannot compensate for lost wages. My workload has increased over the years and my pay has been decreased dramatically. To give you the specifics of this, I was paid 116k in 2001. I was then paid 50k in 2k2 and 2k3. In 2004 my bosses cut my pay down to 32 Grand because they didnt like the way I spent my bonus in 2003. They cut me a check for ten grand in the summer of 2k3 and I used it as best as i saw fit. They wanted me to apply that amount towards some back taxes that I owe but i instead hired an attorney for whats called an Offer in Compromise and spent the rest over a 6 month time period in the manner which i thought was best. I never know how much money I am going to make in a year because I never know when I'm going to get a raise.

Now besides my declining rate of pay with no answers, I have several other circumstances that my boss have put me through that I Feel are highly inappropriate. During last years Christmas party, I walked in on my boss (thehusband) having an affair with one of our coworkers. I panicked because his wife (my other boss) was in the next room and I had to prevent her walking in on him so that this would not be discovered. Not only did this put me into a terrible situation in which I feel violated and terribly uncomfortable but my boss also saw that I walked in on them. He knows that I know what he has done. Ever since that incident, he is making my life at work hell. He has switched my hours, called me names such as 'scumbag' in front of other coworkers as well as making other employees of the company completely ignore me. I have had several personal items stolen from my desk yet they refuse to install any security cameras despite him buying them 4 months ago. Not only that, the husband has told me that If i do not break up with my girlfriend of 3 years that him and his partner were going to make my life a living hell. The reason he wants her out of my life is because he is afraid that she will spill the beans about his inter-office marital affair. If this isnt some sort of same-sex sexual harassment then I don't know what is. I cannot speak to my supervisor about this because she doesn't know and I dont want to be responsible for potentially breaking up their marriage. My co-worker has came to me and said that the office manager pulled him into her office and stated that he needs to give any and all information to her regarding me and if he doesn't do so that his job may be in jeopardy as well. To top this all off, our boss has said to me and my coworker that we were getting ten thousand dollar raises. He said this infront of 3 total employees who are willing to testify to that statement. Is it legal for him to promise this and then not deliver??? Especially in the office??? Is it legal for him to make threats pertaining to changes in my personal life and then treat me bad because I don't do as he asked? This is a major multimillion company that does business with doctors across the nation, not some mom and pop liquor store somewhere. There has to be laws to protect employees like myself from employers like this but I just dont know where to start. Hopefully im in the right place.

Another complicated aspect of this story is that our company is being federally investigated by the OIG and the FBI for fraudulent medical billing and practice. I was recently in touch with the lead investigator for the case and they want me to make some statements for them. I do not want to be part of this organization anymore and I do not feel like i can trust the lawyers for our company. I don't want to be represented by lawyers my bosses choose when I am thinking about filing a civil suit. I want and need my own representation.

Can someone please let me know if i do infact have enough to file some sort of grievance against this guy. It isn't right what hes doing and hes trying to destroy my life because of the mistakes HE has made and my unwillingness to continue to cover those up
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