Unhealthy living conditions for all...

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I just moved here to Texas a few months ago and moved in with some friends. Now, I had heard from someone else that they were bad housekeepers, but WOW this is way worse than I expected. This couple is married with 4 children. The youngest is 8 and the oldest is 15. Both the parents have great paying jobs and the house is located in a very nice neighborhood. So, the first day that I moved in I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of garbage, dirty dishes, dead and living roaches that were all over the house. The air conditioning had broke and so the parents moved their king size bed from the master bedroom downstairs into the family room where all their computers are. None of the children have furniture in their rooms. The kids fall asleep wherever they land. They have clothes but none of which hang in their closets. Neither of the parents clean, they make the 15 year old son do all the work in the house and that includes making sure the younger kids get to sleep for school, gets them ready for school, cook all the meals, and do the laundry. This boy is not in a public school, instead he stays home all day and supposedly does independent study. None of these children are ever punished, doted on, and when it comes to education it is not stressed upon. They feel the homework is just busy work and therefore it doesn't need to bed done if the child doesn't feel like doing it. Video games are the most important thing to both of the these parents and so that rubs off onto the kids. Upstairs, the kids run wild. There are holes in every wall of the house, some of which are big enough for a child to walk through. The shower in the master bathroom will soon fall through to the first floor of the house because of water rot from them not taking care of simple fixes. With that the water runs through the floor and lands in a bucket that sits on the kitchen table. The ceiling is getting ready to fall through and there is also black mold all over this house. I have also seen maggots in left over food dishes because they NEVER do the dishes. Trash is overflowing everywhere in the house. I am living here until my loan comes through and I can get my own place. However, I am not sure what to do with these kids. These people are my friends but I can't understand how you can have 4 children and not really take care of them. They never play outside, never have friends over or go to a friends house. I just don't get it. What can I do for these kids? I am pretty sure that this house needs to be condemned. Folks, this is only a small portion of what else is going on in this house. There is no physical abuse, but the abuse comes from not keeping the house clean. These kids are always coming down with something and so are the parents. I have never had allergies or so many colds since I have moved here. Advice would be great here. Thanks
Call social services and have them come inspect the house. That really is all you can do. Have you tried talking to the parents?
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