Uninsured not at fault accident

Kyle Fenn

New Member
Hello, I was recently involved in a motor vehicle accident in which I was not at fault. But I agreed with the family of the person who hit me to try and work something out to have the car fixed at their family's auto shop as to avoid a negative mark on his insurance. They have since stopped responding to me and seem to have no intent on making good on their promise. We did not make a police report and all I have for information on the driver is his name and license plate number. I did take comprehensive photos of the scene after the crash. What can I do?
I was recently involved in a motor vehicle accident in which I was not at fault.

Is this just your opinion? Does anyone else involved agree (and, if so, is there any evidence of the agreement)?

But I agreed with the family of the person who hit me to try and work something out to have the car fixed at their family's auto shop as to avoid a negative mark on his insurance.

Why do you say "agreed with the family," as opposed to "agreed with the person who hit me"? Also, I assume your reference to "the car" means your car. Right?

a negative mark on his insurance.

So...I assume the reference to "uninsured" in the subject header of your post means that you were uninsured. Correct? If so, does it mean you were driving illegally, without liability insurance as required by law? Or does it just mean you didn't have collision coverage on your car?

all I have for information on the driver is his name and license plate number. I did take comprehensive photos of the scene after the crash. What can I do?

If you don't have the other driver's insurance info, all you can do is sue him for the cost of repairs. You can ascertain insurance information through the discovery process.

Strike One.

We did not make a police report

Strike Two.

I agreed with the family of the person who hit me to try and work something out to have the car fixed at their family's auto shop as to avoid a negative mark on his insurance. They have since stopped responding to me

Strike Three.

all I have for information on the driver is his name and license plate number.

Strike Four.

Yes, you can sue him but first you have to find him.

Go to your nearest police station and make a report. The police may be able to give you his address from the license plate.

That's all I got for now. If you can't find him you get to fix your own car.
I did take comprehensive photos of the scene after the crash. What can I do?

In all likelihood the other party WILL stiff you.

You failed to file a police report, by NOT calling the police.

Best practice guide for what you need to do in case you are in an auto accident in CT

If you are involved in an accident or collision in Connecticut, you must be prepared to act responsibly and in accordance with State law. Following are some general guidelines and more specific requirements to follow in case of an accident.

As a responsible driver, you must never leave the scene of an accident. Not only is it essential that you provide any necessary help immediately following an accident, but leaving an accident scene can result in having your driving privileges revoked or your license suspended. How to Reinstate Your Suspended Connecticut License in 2019 | DMV.com

After stopping your vehicle, you should pull up as close to the accident as safely possible, without obstructing traffic. Take a moment to assess the situation, and do not panic. Be aware of the traffic situation, and any other potential dangers, such as fire.

You should do your best to provide immediate assistance to other motorists, passengers or pedestrians that may have been injured in the accident.

Take extra care when attempting to move an injured person; if possible, wait for an ambulance to arrive. Notify 911 to report any injuries and call for medical assistance. You are also required by law to inform the police immediately in case of any accident that involves death, injury or property damage.

If you have been injured in a car accident, it is important to stay calm. If possible, ensure that you are out of danger and not blocking any oncoming traffic. Call or wait for help, and do not attempt to move if you are unable to do so.

If you are involved in an accident in Connecticut, you are required to provide certain information to the other parties involved. Likewise, fellow motorists, passengers or pedestrians involved in the accident must share similar information with you.

Also, it is often wise to ask for the information of witnesses to the accident just in case you need to have them testify at a later date. The key information to exchange in the aftermath of an accident includes:

Name, address and contact details
Driver license number
License plate number of the vehicles involved
Auto insurance information for ALL motorists involved.

It may also be useful to take photographs at the scene of the accident.
If you hit an unattended vehicle, you must make an effort to find the owner or driver, and follow these same procedures.

If you are unable to locate the owner of an unattended vehicle, you are required to leave a note indicating your name and contact information, and a brief description of the accident.

As per local laws you are required to inform the police immediately in case an accident involves any of the following:
Death or injury as a result of the accident.
Any property damage as a result of the accident, irrespective of the amount involved.

Notify your auto insurance company if you are involved in an accident.
See also Auto Accident Injuries.
In the event that you are injured in an auto accident, consider contacting a personal injury attorney. Retain copies of any medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident.
See also Driving Record and Driving School.

What To Do After a Car Accident in Connecticut | DMV.com

I agreed with the family of the person who hit me to try and work something out to have the car fixed at their family's auto shop as to avoid a negative mark on his insurance

Really, dude, really?

Dude wouldn't do ANYTHING to his insurance because he most likely was driving his HITMOBILE UNINSURED!!!

Reality reveals, dude and his brokedown, tore down family don't even OWN OR OPERATE an auto body repair facility!!!



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