Unique support issue

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New Member
I have a son that is 11 years old and I have never seen him. My ex-wife has a support order and I am $15k in arrears. I don't see my son because I have no idea where they are at. Each time I find out, she takes off. She uses our son as punishment against me. I have no order allowing visitation because again, every time I find her, she moves.

Two years ago, I hired an attorney to get this issue resolved. He took my money and ran. I complained to the AZ bar association, he was sanctioned, but nothing came of it from the standpoint of me getting my money back. They said that was between me and him but they placed him on probation or something like that for a year.

I need to get this problem resolved. I don't want to continue paying support for a child that I don't see, let alone know if he is still alive! I would love to have a relationship with him - it tears me up not knowing him and a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him...but...regardless, I don't think support is justified if I don't know where he is. I am now in MO and the support is paid to AZ. What do I do?

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