unknowingly taking a stolen credit card?

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i work at a fast food place, and this woman bought 200 dollars worth of gift cards. before accepting the credit card, i asked to see her license. she showed it to me, the name and picture matched (this is what i was specifically told to do in this situation), so i swiped it, she payed, signed the reciept and left. a month later, the company discovers it was a stolen card, and now they are trying to fire me for taking the credit card. can they legally do this? there is video footage that i did what i was instructed to do in the situation. I didnt violate any verbal or written policies. Thanks
Yea they can but it would be so arbitrary you could file for unemployment. You don't want to work for clowns like that any way.
I agree with Green Hornet. They are wrong but you are in an at-will state. They don't need a reason to fire you. However if they would fire you for that you don't want to work for them. Next time they will be accusing you of being in on it. Start looking for a job now.
thanks for letting me know.
can you apply for unemployment at 17?

ive been working there 2 years, and i am not sure if they can fire me.
it would be wrongful termination?
Yes, they are allowed to fire you.

No, this is not a wrongful termination.

Wrongful termination does not mean that you were fired for something you did not do, or that you did not intend to do. It means that there is a law that prohibits the employer from firing you for the reason he did. That is not the case here.
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