Unknown ID/code on failure to signal citation (Michigan)

Y2K Kid

New Member
MCL/PACC/Ordinance #/UTC section: "88648"

This was found on a Michigan citation for "Failed to Signal and/or Observe". The closest thing I can find which matches this number is Michigan MCL 257.648

Please let me know if additional details are needed.
MCL/PACC/Ordinance #/UTC section: "88648"

This was found on a Michigan citation for "Failed to Signal and/or Observe". The closest thing I can find which matches this number is Michigan MCL 257.648

Please let me know if additional details are needed.
"Found" by whom? Regarding whom? Is this regarding you?
MCL/PACC/Ordinance #/UTC section: "88648"

This was found on a Michigan citation for "Failed to Signal and/or Observe". The closest thing I can find which matches this number is Michigan MCL 257.648

Please let me know if additional details are needed.

Describe in a simple sentence or two what it is you are ALLEGED to have done that violates the Michigan traffic code.
This was found on a Michigan citation for "Failed to Signal and/or Observe". The closest thing I can find which matches this number is Michigan MCL 257.648

If you got a ticket for failing to signal for a turn or a lane change, then the rest of it doesn't matter.

Section 257.648 - Operation of vehicle or bicycle; signals for stopping or turning; signal lamp or mechanical signal device on commercial motor vehicle; violation as civil infraction, Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.648 | Casetext Search + Citator

It's the description of what you did that matters.
If the officer made an error on the citation the court will send it back to him for correction. The back of the officer's copy of the citation will have notes about the incident so he can easily recall and fix it. You would get a copy of any correction before any court date.
Am I eligible for the Basic Driver Improvement Course in Michigan?

You will receive a letter in the mail if you are eligible for this program.

Traffic schools are a solution, but you have to seek approval from the court, and meet a number of requirements.

Attending any such school DISAPPEARS the violation from your record, so insurance companies won't get a whiff of the citation.

You may be eligible if you were ticketed on or after December 31, 2010 and:

You have a valid Michigan, non-commercial license, with two or fewer points on your record,
The violation was not in a Commercial Motor Vehicle,
The violation was not a criminal offense,
The ticket you received is on the list of eligible violations.

There are MANY online traffic schools in Michigan, here are a few.

I am NOT recommending a specific school.

You need to conduct your due diligence BEFORE enrolling in a school:

Michigan BDIC Program – FAQs

Michigan Defensive Driving Traffic School Online

Michigan Traffic School Online and Defensive Driving Online Classes - Select your county

MI - Michigan Traffic School

Michigan Basic Driver Improvement Course Eligibility


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