Last night I was pulled over by the police while leaving a bar. The female officer was waiting down the street, waiting for me to leave which leads me to believe she had already ran my plate and checked my record.
So ... you are stating that you believe she had prior knowledge that your license was restricted or that you were in violation of your curfew and that you were out of compliance? That, in itself, can be sufficient reasonable suspicion to justify the stop.
She then asked me to step out of the car, frisked me, cuffed me and placed me in her car.
The courts - including the USSC - have ruled that an officer can ask you to step out of the car for little to no reason. The "frisk" requires minimal probable cause, but since no evidence was discovered on this frisk there is nothing to contest or suppress.
Putting you in his car is also not uncommon as a safety issue.
She then searched my car and passenger.
Was your car subject to impound? if so, then an inventory is allowed prior to the impound. The search of your friend is an issue for your friend.
Were you under arrest for the curfew violation? Cited? Transported? Car towed?
Was this a true curfew violation (as in, you are under 18)? or, is this a driving restriction or some kind of probation or parole restriction?
She lied and said she pulled me over because I didn't use my turn signal and didn't come to a complete stop which I DID!
Apparently she believes you did not signal properly or come to a complete stop.
She then gave me a ticket for a restriction violation because I was driving past my curfew because my passenger had been drinking.
Not a legal exception, I'll wager.
This officer had no valid reason to pull me over, didnt read me my rights, and frisked me (which Im pretty sure it's illegal for a female officer to frisk a man) Do I have a case
The officer apparently alleges that you did violate the law and was justified in the stop. You can argue this in court.
Your Miranda rights only apply after you are arrested and you are being interrogated. Some 90 percent of arrests will NEVER require Miranda rights to be read.
A female officer can frisk a man, and a male officer can frisk a female.
Bottom line here is that your actions resulted int he contact, not the officers. Had you not been operating a vehicle in violation of whatever curfew restriction was in place, you would not have been caught.
- Carl