Unpaid Leave

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i went part time so i could study at university and they changed my available hours of holiday accordingly. I then applied for leave for my wedding 31 dec - 23 january (i am getting married abroad and my fiance lives in algeria)and booked my wedding and flights and everything. then they changed my hours of leave available (apparantantly they had done it wrong the first time)so i then said i would like to take unpaid leave as my wedding was now booked. they told me that as it is the busiest time of the year (I work in a call centre at carphone warehouse) the business cannot support letting me have leave at his time. they then said that if i work overtime (so i can build up the hours needed for my leave) i may be able to have the time off. but i would have to do the overtime they need i.e 8pm finishes etc. I of course agreed to this straight away. (though found it strange that all of a sudden they can spare me at this time when that was the reason they gave for not granting me unpaid leave)
but they have now told me i can only have a week off for my wedding if i do this overtime and asked me if i can change my flights and everything so i just go away for a week.

is there anyting i can do about this? do i have any rights at all? as obviously this is my wedding and he wont be coming back to uk with me as we have to apply for his visa etc which will take some times. i am not willing to cancel my wedding as everything is arranged and booked.

please advise me as i only have 7 weeks ot therefore try to find a job which will fit around my studies and will let me ahve this time off for my wedding (which i dont think it very likely)
This is primarily a US site and I don't think anyone here knows employment law for the UK, which are quite different from the US. I can only suggest that you consult with an attorney.
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