Unreasonable, Illogical Officers of Law: The Bigots we employ

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New Member
A cop visited my place of residence asking me if I dropped some items in front of somone's house. HE said the items were "disturbing" and "unnerving" The items he said resembled "witchcraft" which is protected by the consitution (religious freedom). He said the accusers were the witnesses and saw me do this. I said I didn't and there is no evidence linking me to this, just assumption. He said He didnnt have evidence proving I did this and no law was broken, DUH! He said if it happens again, I will be arrested for harassment. In other words, he believed hearsay, no logic or reason or proper investigation was conducted, just racist biased police work as usual.

Now, I dont sue in small claims. I sue in civil court correct? Do i sue the department or the cop himself. Where can I find his name besides visiting the station? Complex Litigation Docket, do I just go ahead and apply for that or what for a transfer? Either way I still pay 250 correct? Other than harassment, what do I sue for, religious discrimination, but then I would have to claim I did what i was accused of doing which isnt against the law. Should I contact a lawyer, or hire a lawyer, or is this case so good a lawyer would take it on contingency basis, or i would have to pay?? :mad: :mad: :

Also, I believe a child was the culprit-accusing me of something I didn't do cause of jealousy-she is a nut like her mother-apple doesnt fall far from the tree. Her guardians are heled responsible for her actions I know this, so When I take them to small claims for harassment, I put down the mnor's name also as well as the guardians, correct?>

:cool: :cool:
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