Unspeakable mother.

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My father is going through a tough time in this divorce that has been thrown his way. My mother is an extremely sinister and manipulative woman, maybe the worst I've ever met. She has grabbed ahold of my 13 year old sister, only because she wants child support (which I'm certain she will use for herself), and has made my sistes's character be almost identical to hers. So now, my sister, has begun to construct lies about my father and myself only to better her/their situation. These lies include telling their lawyers that I am striking the both of them and offering marijuana and beer to my little sister. ALL LIES. My mother feels that if she can make me less credible through the use of these lies so that I will not be able to use certain information I have about her in the legal process. A while back I was sided with my mother before I opened my eyes and saw what a horrible female she is; and back then she was telling me all sorts of things about her plans for the process. One being that she was purposely not going to accept a job offered to her so that she wouldn't have to pay my father half of her earnings, but yet still fights of spousal support, so that she can buy medicine (that is her excuse) but yet, gets mad and reports bad spousal support when my father refuses to buy her medicine from her own pocket (when she had explicitely attained spousal support just for the fact that she needed medicine). Unfortunately my father has lost much of his wits due to aging right now and cannot formulate a very good plan of attack on this, so I am trying to gather as much information I can to help him in this sinister situation my excuse of a mother has put us in. ANY help at all would be muuuch appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully someone will be able to help.
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Probably a waste of twenty minutes typing this here huh? Kinda thought it would be, worth a try I suppose.
Alright, allow me to clarify here, I don't really need any 'legal advice' per se(because none can really be given, I acknowledge that), but would just like to get some feedback and discussion on this; so feel more than free to say ANYTHING, I want a reply, don't let me/humanity down. Thank you. This already has more read than most of all the other (semi-recent) ones, so say something, ANYthing. Appreciate it.
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Does she have any kind of proof to go along with whatever it is she's saying about your father? And what is she saying about your father?
Rachel, thank you, I appreciate being able to talk to anyone about this. She actually has no REAL hardcore proof, but only circumstantial (lying) evidence, the thing is, she is very good at portraying the items she conveys, to be more than true. I/We need some kind of plan to beat her at her own game, and I know it exists, just cannot think of it; which is why I am asking for even the slightest inkling of help here. She is saying that my father is not trying to help her in the least bit ( e.g. with getting her medicen etc.) when she fought for her spousal support by saying she needed money for medicine after she was already receiving spousal support) just to make him seem like a heartless person, and it seems to be working in her favor quite well. So we just need some way to make these kind of false acusations go against her.
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Well, the thing is, I don't really think anything she has to say will matter. From what I've seen and heard, jurors and lawyers only look at hardcore proof.. like she filed reports with the police; she has any marks, bruises, etc recorded by medical professionals; blah blah blah... no one takes a person's word in a legal situation because if they did, there'd be a whole lot of rich people in this world.

As far as the money he has paid her, hopefully he wrote checks. That way he can have some proof that he did in fact give her money. If he didn't, then you might be out of luck in that area.

When it comes to beating her at her own game, all I have to say is that lying and manipulating is NOT the way to go. Always be truthful, respectful, and professional in front of the attorney's and anyone else there that may have a say in your case... even if you are speaking to/about her... even if it means you die a little on the inside (haha). Getting upset and yelling, lying, or whatever that makes you come off as anything but truthful, respectful, and professional will only hurt you.

Just try to remember that there's no need to get so upset if you haven't done anything. If she doesn't have proof of what she's saying, then I really don't think it can hurt you.

Good luck :)
sounds a lot like my mother. EXTREMELY manipulative, jsut wants to live off of those around her, is convincing my sister (who is almost 19) to continue living with her s she can recieve child support (the court ordered that as long as my sis still lives with my mother-he must pay until she is 23) and now, my sister is just like yours-a mini me of my mother. my mother is suing me for $3000! and my bro has cpletely dissowned her because she tried to do the same with him. my sis is now taking her side because she is spoiled now...read my post under real estate-landlord tennant-if u want the whole scoop...ugh its so unfair that people can be this way and get away with it...
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