Visitor, Guest Unwanted House Guest


New Member
My boyfriend and I are renting a house. His sister moved in about 6 months ago till she could 'get on her feet' along with her 2 minor children and a dog. She was initially unemployed. About 2 months ago she finally got a job. We are on the rent agreement, and she is not. She has yet to help pay any of the bills, stating that she only makes enough for her truck insurance payment. She doesn't help clean up the house, not even after herself or her children. They use up the toilet paper and paper towels, drink all the bottled water, things like that and never replace any of it. she doesn't buy dog food, because she knows we will buy it, since we also have a dog. The electrical bill has went up since her arrival, but she won't even pay the difference. She ran out all of the propane gas and won't pay to have it refilled. Basically they are living rent and utility bill free just mooching off of us. Do I need a legal reason to evict them, since she is not on the rent? Is she considered a subtenant of ours in this case? Do the children make it a more complicated legal process? Can I even evict them? If so, what steps do I need to take and what legal reasoning do I need to use? If the landlord has to evict them, what is the process with that? Are there any forms or anything else I can do to make the process easier for him?
Do I need a legal reason to evict them, since she is not on the rent?

I'm not sure what "not on the rent" means, but you and your boyfriend can evict his sister and her kids -- who are your subtenants -- in accordance with the landlord-tenant laws of your state. That means giving a written notice to terminate the tenancy. I don't know how many days are required under Georgia law, but you can easily google that. If they don't leave after the notice period expires, you and your boyfriend can file an eviction action with the court.

Assuming your boyfriend is on board with this, I suggest you consult with a local landlord-tenant attorney to make sure you do everything right.
Also research and know what actions will be considered an unlawful eviction, such as changing locks.
There are plenty if other actions you can take to get the out across to get that are not unlawful... Such as not providing those paper towels, and toilet paper, food, dishes, light bulbs, tv, etc.
Put those things away where she does not have access. She will find someone else to mooch from and be in her way soon.
Once she is out completely THEN change the locks and dodon allow her back in for any reason.

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