Used Car Purchase


New Member

I recently purchased a used car from a private seller the ad stated the car is in good running condition, I test drove the vehicle approx 10 minutes in total and it drove ok, the deal was made. On my way home (approx 40 minutes) the car ran hot and I had to pull over, I called the guy and asked him if he had any problems with the car running hot and he told me he did have an issue about a week or two ago and I asked him why he didn't disclose this and he stated I'm sorry. He would not accept the car back. I asked him if he would consider given me some return on my money because the car was not in good running condition as he stated. Long story short there is a major repair that has to be done and I want to know if I have any legal recourse in recooping some of my money for the repair because he lied about his ad?
I want to know if I have any legal recourse in recooping some of my money for the repair because he lied about his ad?

All private party to private party motor vehicle sales are AS IS, unless an express WRITTEN warranty is provided at the time of purchase.

Never trust any seller to tell you the truth.

It is your job as a potential buyer to TRUST but verify all claims before handing over any cash.

If you have any doubts, don't do the deal!
All private party to private party motor vehicle sales are AS IS, unless an express WRITTEN warranty is provided at the time of purchase.

Never trust any seller to tell you the truth.

It is your job as a potential buyer to TRUST but verify all claims before handing over any cash.

If you have any doubts, don't do the deal!
Thanks for your help.
While it is true that private party motor vehicle sales are "as is" in the absence of an express warranty, if the seller made a false statement of act about the car, and you relied on that false statement, you may be able to have the sale rescinded for fraud. If you want to try that, your recourse will likely be through small claims court.
While it is true that private party motor vehicle sales are "as is" in the absence of an express warranty, if the seller made a false statement of act about the car, and you relied on that false statement, you may be able to have the sale rescinded for fraud. If you want to try that, your recourse will likely be through small claims court.
Thank you for your response.

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