vehicle being taken away

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I purchased a vehicle from my ex boyfriends mom. We agreed upon $4500 ( part of that was to repay his debt to her). We signed an agreement (not notarized) and I have been making payments on it but did miss a couple, totalling $375.00. About a month after we signed the agreement she signed over the title to me with a purchase amount of $800.00 on it,in her hand writing. Her son and I broke up and she is upset over this and I am still sending her money for the truck. I was handed a letter at work today from her daughter in law, stating that she is demanding the truck back or the remainder of the loan. Can she just come pick up the truck without court papers or a lien on the vehicle?
I purchased a vehicle from my ex boyfriends mom. We agreed upon $4500 ( part of that was to repay his debt to her). We signed an agreement (not notarized) and I have been making payments on it but did miss a couple, totalling $375.00. About a month after we signed the agreement she signed over the title to me with a purchase amount of $800.00 on it,in her hand writing. Her son and I broke up and she is upset over this and I am still sending her money for the truck. I was handed a letter at work today from her daughter in law, stating that she is demanding the truck back or the remainder of the loan. Can she just come pick up the truck without court papers or a lien on the vehicle?

Well, I can say for the first time in many responses, you have a case!

His mom foolishly (or fortunately, depending on who you are) signed over the title to you for $800.

The car was yours, whether you paid her another dollar after she signed the title over to you!!!!

That is why lien-holders hold the title when you finance a car.

So, you can (and should) simply ignore that letter.

The car is legally yours.

You should immediately stop paying her any more money.

Whether you paid her even one dime, when she gave you the signed title, she transferred legal ownership of that car to you!!!

And, before you ask, don't try to get back anything beyond what you have already paid her.


You said it in your opening sentences, there was no signed agreement or purchase contract.

Just be grateful that she has no case against you.

If she does take your car, report it as stolen to the police.

You could also name her, or her son or daughter as likely suspects.

Save the letter as proof, if she tries to pull some trickeration.

Also, don't go blabbing about what I just told you.

Save that for "what if"!!!!
Thanks for your response but we did have an original agreement/purchase agreement but like I said a month or so after she did change the dollar amount on the actual title and signed it over to me. Does that make a difference?
Thanks for your response but we did have an original agreement/purchase agreement but like I said a month or so after she did change the dollar amount on the actual title and signed it over to me. Does that make a difference?

You could have 50 contracts, it doesn't matter.

That is why I posted as I did.

Now, why doesn't it matter?

By her signing over the title to you, she legally gave you ownership of the vehicle.

She can't prove you didn't pay her.

Unless, you open your big mouth and blab, "But, I didn't pay her, your honor!"

If she sues you, she must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that you failed to pay her.

You, on the other hand, have a signed title giving you ownership of the vehicle.

You need not say anymore, other than, she signed the title over to me.

If you keep talking (as many people are wont to do), you destroy your rock solid case!!!!

Do you feel me????

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