Consumer Law, Warranties Verbal agreement on car purchase

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This is messy business. My brother lost his job and was losing his and his wife's apartment. I knew a guy in the town I live in who owned a house, and made a deal to pay him $900 for 3 months rent in said house. Within a week's time I found and purchased him a car for $2000. The agreement was that he would pay me $100 a month when he found a job until the debt was repaid. He only made 1 payment to me, and it has now been over a year. In this year he lost his license and his wife finally got hers. Now they are looking at a divorce and she has filed an order of protection against my brother, and has listed the car as protected marital property. I let him slide so long because he had a family to provide for, but since he has no family anymore I just want to recoup my losses. I have the bill of sale showing that I paid for the vehicle. The vehicle is titled in his name. I attempted to repossess the vehicle, and was forced to return it. What recourse do i have now to collect?
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