Verbally Abused by Police Officer

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I live the suburbs of Chicago and commute downtown everyday by train. This morning after I got off the train I noticed what looked like a walkway that crossed over to the other side of the tracks. There were two other people walking ahead of me that took this same path to the opposite side. The walking distance from the end of the train where I got off to the exit doors from the station is about a block's distance. We walked more than half way, almost approaching the exit doors when a police officer stopped us. He informed us that it was illegal to cross the tracks. Rather than just give us a warning and let us go on our way, he proceeded to talk down and belittle us. He said we had to turn around and walk all the way back down the block and around to the other side of the tracks again in order to exit the station. I mentioned that since the whole purpose for this rule was for our safety, he should just let us exit through the doors that were right in front of us instead of making us cross the tracks again. He looked at me and said, "No, you need to learn your lesson! And I'm going to walk with you." I said, "So you're going to punish us by treating us like children?" I proceeded to turn around to walk back towards the tracks like he instructed. He told me to stop, and then began yelling at me. He also threatened to give me a $500 fine. I told him that I simply didn't think it was necessary for him to talk to us that way. Do I not have a right to speak? He didn't want to punish me for crossing the tracks. He wanted to slap a fine on me for speaking my mind. He continued yelling at me, threatening me, and asking for my drivers license ... until I finally broke down, apologized and asked him not to give me the ticket. I felt like he was on a power trip and I thought that I had every right to speak my mind. But I had absolutely no control or rights in the situation. I knew that he still could have given me a ticket for crossing the tracks illegally. Do I have any rights in this situation? At least any moral rights?
Yes, you have the right to express your opinion.
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