Verified Motion For Temporary Injunction Assistance

This creates another problem. You told us that you are appearing pro se. Since your parents are filing on your behalf, then they are the ones proceeding pro se, not you. However, since they are merely representative parties, they likely must be represented by counsel.

And you think you should have gotten a ruling by now?! LOL! I don't know how busy the court where you filed your case is, but ordinary motions don't typically get ruled on for at least a month after they are filed. The opposing party has an opportunity to file an opposition to your motion, and you then have an opportunity to reply to the opposition. The court may or may not hold a hearing on the motion, and either issue a ruling at the time of the motion or take the matter under submission and issue a ruling at a later date. It is not uncommon for ordinary motions to take several months before the court issues a ruling. I once had a court sit on a motion (actually several competing motions) for two and a half years, although that's an extreme situation. If you wanted or needed your motion decided quickly, then you could and should have brought it as an expedited motion.

This question is grammatically awkward. If you're asking whether the court will eventually rule on the motion, the answer is most certainly yes, but we have no conceivable way of knowing how long it will take.

Forward it to whom?

You should assume your case will fail miserably unless your parents retain competent legal counsel to represent you.

Thank you for helping me see I should have brought it before the court as an expedited motion.

Semantically I thought that in Florida thats what bringing it "Verified" meant. Also just to give you a hand to forward something doesn't just mean hitting the "forward" button on an email. It also means "to forward" as in to promote or to move forward, such as scheduling for a hearing or litigating directly.

Lastly, I see what you did there... you are being encouraging by using the word ass-u-me, and showing you meant all this derision for you. Thanks for the encouragement!!
seeking injunctive relief.

Courts rarely apply injunctive relief against institutions of higher learning.
Universities, especially state run universities are given great latitude in administering their facilities and programs.
A few general exceptions relate to societal well being, such as discrimination towards members of protected classes (handicapped people, race, gender, religion, and sexual persuasion are among those few).

I'll give you a int, mate, because I enjoy seeing people try.

Have you given thought to seeking judicial relief in the form of "the great writ"?

The Great Writ can achieve amazing results, if sought and its use is applicable and appropriate.

The Great Writ is also fast, as compared to other pleadings, especially the poorer cousins of The Great Writ.

I once sought The Great Writ before a federal district court where a service member's enlistment contract had been breached by the military.

Yes, the service person was discharged honorably within a month of my application for a hearing on The Great Writ, and the court's emergency hearing of the matter.

I cherish the memory of that case as my second greatest legal achievement.
Thank you for helping me understand the process more! Now I know what to expect in the coming days and months of the case.

You're welcome.

Please take the time to update us as your case progresses, and we enjoy hearing the outcome of our posters' legal matters.
Hello all. While I've been learning about writs in between starting classes this semester, the darnedest thing happened while we awaited their response on a fresh complaint for a new cause of action. The response never came. Its taken me a year and a half to do it, but Ive apparently figured out enough of how this stuff works to state a pretty strong claim for declaratory and injunctive relief.

The Clerk of the Court has entered a Default on the defendant

I could really use some help understanding the process of getting from there to final judgement. I understand that I have yet to motion for Default Judgement. Since the opposing party is no longer party to the suit, how do i advance a Motion for Default Judgement once filed with the clerk? If there are any primers or strategy pieces anyone knows of it would be deeply appreciated

Thanks again!

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