verify a debt

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In January of this year I received a phone call from a debt collector about a debt that is not on my credit report and is not mine. I demanded verification and did not hear from them again. 2 months later I got a letter from another collection agency about the same debt. I once again demanded verification and did not hear from them again. Well, this week I got another call from yet another agency about this debt and demanded verification again. My questions are 1) how many times can I demand verification on the same debt without getting an answer. Can they just keep selling it off to someone else? 2) I am trying to buy a house right now and do not want this showing up on my credit report. Do they have to hold off on reporting it until they verify the debt? 3) what do they have to send me as proper verification? Thanks in advance
I have done that each time. I mailed a letter demanding verification and sent it with return receipt, but instead of verifying it they simply sell it to another agency and start the process all over.
I would call them back ask who the original creditor was and contact them and tell them they need to send you verification-- ie credit application or contract ASAP. You need to start taking notes on who you talk to when etc.. everythign -- the more notes you have the better lawsuit you will have if it comes to that.

1st step is talking to the original creditor, if the collector can not give you that time to talk to a manager -- let us knwo what happens -- I went thru a nightmare once too in the end i had to sue-- but it is a long drawn out nightmare-- so call them back and start formt he beginning-- and get a note book
I have done that each time. I mailed a letter demanding verification and sent it with return receipt, but instead of verifying it they simply sell it to another agency and start the process all over.

Then it's time to start taking matters into your own hands. You can start by filing a complaint with the FTC to get the ball rolling. Also file with your state attorney general. Let the next company that calls to know what you did.

You can sue for $1000 per incident (ridiculous travesty of our governmental incompetence too busy pursuing steroids instead of increasing this number) but you can also get punitive damages. I think you can sue locally as well since they have come to your jurisdiction (or area) to do business. Thus you can potentially get 2-3 for each incident (you can get treble damages for nonpayment on judgments in small claims court and don't see why this wouldn't be the same, especially given the amount.) Depends how far you want to go.
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