Very Concerned about daughter's first overnight visit with her father. Please Help

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My daughter's father has just been ordered to have overnight visits from Saturday at 10am to Sunday 5pm every other weekend granted he moves into his apartment in Connecticut. He claimed that he moved in today and that his wife's sister-in-law and two children will be staying with them during the month of August. My daughter's first scheduled overnight starts in August and apparently these other people will be "visiting" for over a month. They only have a two bedroom apartment and he father claims that our daughter will have her own room and that the sister-in-law and two kids will be sleeping in the living room. I am afraid to send my daughter on this visit because I do not know how many people will really be living or visiting there and I am not sure if she will be in her own room. And this is the first time that she has ever stayed with him, I do not think it's in her best interest nor do I think it's a good way to get her adjusted to staying with him and his wife that he barely knows, and now he is adding 3 other people to the stay. When I asked him about it he replied that he is allowed to have guests and that he has no say in the fact that his wife's sister-in-law and 2 children will be staying. I do not want to send our daughter because I am afraid this is not the best situation for her...what can I do? And what will happen if I do not send her?
If you choose not to send her, you'll probably be facing a contempt proceeding.

If you worry for her safety and well being, you might want to petition the court for an emergency hearing. But, if you don't have proof, just mere suspicion and conjecture, you could disturb and perturb the court. You should first discuss this with your attorney.

I don't think you can prevent the visit. But, you do have the right to take it court. Speak with an attorney.

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The only proof I have the text messages that he sent me letting me know that his wife's sister-in-law and two kids would be staying there for the month. I do have an attorney but she is on vacation until August 12th and my daughter's first visit is on August 7th.

Thank you so much for you help!
Depending on your daughter's age, I don't really see the problem, especially if the in-laws will be sleeping in the living room. In some ways, it could be a good thing for your daughter. She'll have more people to buffer the newness and she'll have other kids to interact with.
You have to send her or you will be in contempt. I do not see the big deal here. These are relatives visiting, not total stangers to the father. He is allowed to have guests. Also the child is not even required to have her own room, if she goes then that is great.
You don't have any grounds for resisting this visit. He is her father. You have to deal with that. Let her go and stop making a problem where it doesn't exist. You really have no choice.
I'm going to say the same thing to the OP as I did on the other board/s where she posted:

These are parenting differences. Here are more:

Mom feeds kiddo cereal for breakfast. Dad prefers bacon and eggs.

Mom won't let kiddo watch PG13 movies. Dad puts one in the DVD player every Saturday night.

Mom doesn't push flossing kiddo's teeth. Dad won't let kiddo play out until kiddo has brushed and flossed.

Mom has separate bedroom AND separate study for kiddo. At Dad's house, kiddo shares a room with two half siblings and the dog.

Mom lets kiddo play outside until 9pm. At Dad's, kiddo is in doing homework by 7.

I'd think that these differences, though minor, have the potential to irk at least one parent at any given point in time and that is why BOTH parents have to learn the most important lesson of co-parenting:

SuckItUpAndSmileSweetly 101
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