Video and Audio Taping

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I have a series of related questions I hope somebody can help me with.

1. When can an employer video tape an employee? Does it matter that if there was a personal relationship between the two parties involved?

2. Is an office with a door sometimes partly open a public or a private space for the purposes of taping? (my understanding is that this makes a difference.)

3. Can an employer audio tape an employee, or can he only video tape?

4. In the case where a personal relationship between employer and employee has gone bad, involving intimidation and threats, what type of video or audio recording are legal for either party? If the employer made recordings (which he carefully edits) to prove to his wife that there was nothing going on, can the employee produce her own audio recordings proving that there was? Her reason for doing this is because she was fired, and wants her job back, though not the relationship. If she emails a copy of one of the recordings to the employer, and demands her job back, would this be considered blackmail?

Almost forgot to mention, this is taking place in North Carolina, if that makes a difference.
This is not legal Advice!

1. When can an employer video tape an employee? Does it matter that if there was a personal relationship between the two parties involved?

I would not have thought so as an employer myself, i have a state of the art cctv system in place that records movement and voice. On the other hand if i was to use any of the recordings in a public place or for anything detrementle towards the people the cctv filmed, unless it be to a court of law and was concidered evidence. Then i am sure i would have cause to be sued.

2. If she emails a copy of one of the recordings to the employer, and demands her job back, would this be considered blackmail?

Yes this would be concidered blackmail beware of your actions.

Take care

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