W2 Box 12 Code M/N


My former employer terminated group term insurance for retires 12/31/2021. So, this is my last year of messing around with the IRS's constantly changing forms to report uncollected FICA taxes. Anyhow, I was looking at my wage transcripts for prior years and noticed the IRS does not document Code M &N data. The W2 is there with the taxable income along with many entries which are always zero for me. But no where do they show Box 12 codes or amounts. How does the IRS know I have been reporting the correct amount for Code M&N over the last 25+ years? Just curious, thanks.
Why not ask your employer's benefits or payroll personnel?
I suspect it's not because they don't have the information, just that it's not reported back out on the wage transcript. You can bet your bottom dollar that if the IRS is asking for it to be reported and you fail to report, it WILL catch up to you.
You are getting the wrong impression. I have paid these uncollected FICA amounts faithfully for at least 25+ years. I have been retired 22 years. I will pay the last amount on my 2021 return since my former employer no longer group term life insurance. I was just curious since my official IRS wage transcript does not contain M&N data. Apparently they do not scan it into the system. So, I assume they trust people to declare the proper amount?

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