Wage Garnishment

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I have just found out that my wages are to be garnished.
I had a car volunterarily reposessed about 2 years ago and had been paying payments here and there, my fault I know for not paying on a regular basis. However I heard nothing from them for months , now out of the blue they said they have obtained a court judgement against me and have now sent a garnishment letter to my employers stating they will be garnishing my wages at a rate of 25%.
I have 2 questions, can they do this without notifying me about the court judgement and can they set the rate as they please.
I have a third question , is there anything I can do about this?
I live in GA , in case you needed to know that, I work in AL.

I don't know if I can afford this and am at my wits end.
I look forward to any advice.
The amount of wages to be garnished is subject to state and federal law. I would assume that the judgment (or "sister state" judgment) was entered in AL, as the writ would have to be issued by a court in AL to be effective in that state . If you were never served/made aware of the judgment, you could move to have it set aside, but you would likely be sued again. You could always file a claim of exemption to the wage garnishment. This process varies depending on your state. Unfortunately, I have little to no knowledge regarding the laws of either state you mentioned. The court clerk (in the county/state in which judgment was entered) may be able to point you in the right direction.
Good luck
Sorry its taken so long to reply. No the court case was in my local county in GA, I thought it strange that they are enforcing GA garnishment law in AL. I will contact the local county clerk and ask for advice.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
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