Waiting on judge to rule


New Member
This is a federal case in the middle district of Florida

Plaintiff has responded and filed in opposition to defendants motion to dismiss and filed on Dec 6. The judge has not said anything to date. Nothing has been filed since.

Is there something plaintiff needs to file to get the judge to make a ruling or just wait on judge to rule?

best Regards
Is there something plaintiff needs to file to get the judge to make a ruling or just wait on judge to rule?

There is nothing anyone can do to induce a federal judge to make a ruling faster.

Your best response is to wait for the judge to rule.
Is there something plaintiff needs to file to get the judge to make a ruling or just wait on judge to rule?

Nothing you can do to speed up the decision to dismiss by the defendants. Indeed, the court may decide to wait until the end of the case to decide that depending on what the reason was that the defendant had for dismissal. The case generally can continue to go forward in the meantime unless the court has said otherwise. Your lawyer should know what your next step is.
Is there something plaintiff needs to file to get the judge to make a ruling or just wait on judge to rule?

What is your connection to the case? If you're the plaintiff, do you have an attorney? If you're the plaintiff and don't have an attorney, have you familiarized yourself with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the local rules of whichever of the three Florida judicial districts in which your case is filed (along with the standing order of the district and magistrate judges to which your case was assigned)?

Regardless of the answers to those questions, once the plaintiff has filed his/her/its opposition to a defendant's motion to dismiss, that's generally all the plaintiff needs to do. Typically, the defendant will file a reply brief, and five weeks after the completion of briefing is not a particularly long time to wait for a ruling.

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