Waiting Time Penalty

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Thank you very much for reading...

I have quite a situation with a very hostile former employer, who has a knack for paying employees 3-5 weeks late and issuing bouncing checks. I appreciate very much your kind advise.

The below are the dates from the time I quit and the events that followed:

Dec 2, Wed. Day I quit without 72 hours prior notice.
Dec 4, Fri. Called up work to check if pay is ready for pick-up. Ms Payroll says it's ready for pick-up Monday.
Dec 8, Tues. Called up to check before I pick-up. Everyone I talked to said the employer and Ms Payroll are out of state and did not leave any pay check. *** Please note that I had the intention to pick up and physically return to place of work on this day.
Dec 11, Fri. A trusted ex-coworker called me up to say Ms Payroll has arrived. I immediately called her and told me check will be ready by Monday for pick up.
Dec 14, Mon. I called up Ms Payroll to tell her I cannot pick up that day and just told her to mail check. On same day, I also deposited through ATM machine two previous payroll checks issued to me when I was still working there.
Dec 15-16. Followed up if current check has been mailed.
Dec 17, Thurs. Called up Ms Payroll again and told me she found out my 2 previous checks bounced and informed me she "will try to issue them on Friday the next day".
Dec 18, Fri. Current check arrives. I called up to follow up on previous checks but Ms Payroll was not around.
Dec 21, Mon. Called up all day before driving there to pick up but no one's answering. Found out from someone who still works there everyone's on forced vacation for 2 weeks starting Dec 21.
Dec 22, Tues. Another ex-coworker who quit WITH 72 hours prior notice had a bounced check on this day. She waited for it to be issued from Dec 8 (which was her last day) to the day she picked up on Dec 17. Two things, 1) whether or not I pick up the check, they still would never have the intention to issue me a valid check with funds if they failed to issue even to someone who quits with prior notice and, 2) if I deposited the current check that just arrived on Dec 18, it would have bounced too.

Am I entitled to a Waiting Time Penalty for these 3 checks (1 current after quit and 2 previously issued while still working there but bounced)?
If so, who do I go to and what first step to do? I was told DLSE cannot help me with this.

Again, thank you so much.
I don't get it. Why can't people ask at more than one location? Should they just take yours for the gospel truth every time? What business is it of yours to suggest to people what they should or shouldn't do on here?

Your answer on the other site was wrong. Just goes to show that "forum-hopping" is a good idea unless they are content with possibly getting wrong information.
Thressa, pay attention to the date in the upper left hand of the post. You are answering stale posts. Click on "new posts" and only answer those that appear there.
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