Want to relcate with child... need advice?

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New Jersey is a little complex.

Initially, the burden of proof is upon you to show why it's in the child's best interest. IF you can do that - and NJ is NOT a moveaway-friendly state - the burden shifts to Dad to show why the move is not in good faith etc.,

Be aware that if the relocation is approved, there's a better-than-strong chance that YOU will be paying for all transportation to and from Dad's.

Can you afford to do that several times a year? Are you willing to forfeit most of the summer, and alternating holidays?
It's not violating your rights, really. You are absolutely free - as of right this second - to relocate wherever you want. Period. Even if.

What you cannot do - and this has nothing to do with your rights - is relocate the child away from the other constitutionally-protected parent without permission from either the parent or the court.

I understand that you're frustrated. What you really should do is speak with a local attorney.
How much time he spends with child/children is your arguement!? So its better that they spend even less time with Dad? Remove yourself rom the situation for a moment and ask yourself if its right to strip another parent of his/her rights to his/her child/children. Everything you have been told is accurate if you do this and if its not blocked successfully by Dad expect Dad to get longer duration visits and you foot bill for transporting child/children to Dad. You cant remove another parents rights in the manner you seek to
My attorney stated it would be based hard in spite of his being out of state a lot of the time.
The judge told him to be here more often if he wanted his child more... nothing has changed in his work schedule since court.
Yet he said he will fight me if I want to leave... I'm just trying to find out about similar cases and/or tips on these situations.

This is not about taking his rights away... I have offered to relocate to the state where is actually works all week, because i have family there as well and he said no you stay in NJ.. I have no family or any type of support system in NJ, plus he just does not want to do anything but keep me here..

The judge is giving him a chance, and he does deserve that, but he just is not doing nor will do what the judge told him she expected of him to get more time with his daughter.. it really seems like he is doing the least amount to just make it harder on me..

I'm just trying to find avenue to save on attorney fees I have spent over 10K just to get my temp order from the court..
I'm broke so any research I do and hand over to my attorney saves money.. I cannot afford to pay an attorney to sit for hours and research my case..
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Are you working?

Do you have a job waiting for you in whichever state?

(How far are you wanting to go, incidentally?)
Hello, OP.

It appears you've filed for divorce.

What is the status of your divorce preceding as of today?

What has your attorney told you about your desire to relocate?

If I've gotten something incorrectly, straighten me out.

After that, I'll see what advice I can offer you.
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