wanting to relocate, custody issue

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My ex has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse. If/when we go to court what would be the best way to bring this up and request a drug test be done without it looking like I'm trying to badmouth him? He has prior drug/alcohol related charges but im not sure if they'll order a drug test based on that. I must also stress to you that I was not aware of the drugs until I was already in my 2nd trimester and I left immediately.

If they do a drug test and he fails (marijuana and meth) how would that weigh upon the courts decision in a custody case? would they order he attend a rehab? It is not my intent to push him out of my daughters life I would love if he would get help and get clean and be an active positive role in her life
You know...you first mentioned Ohio, then it's Pennsylvania on another forum - really, why the subterfuge?

And yeah - many responders cross-post to other forums.

That aside, California REQUIRES you to notify the other parent. It's not an option, it's a REQUIREMENT. And then Dad can object.

This is why courts are your friend. They can help you avoid all kinds of legal nastiness. Get your stuff done before you move unless you want to be going back and forth to California and perhaps having to face the prospect of either moving back or losing custody.

I have not yet decided where exactly to move as I have family in both Ohio and pennysylvania near the border of both states.
You are going to have a hard time where ever you want to move. DO NOT up and move because it WILL cause you more problems especially being he is already unhappy that you want support, the deadbeat will probably be as vindictive as possible.

I live in Ohio and I can tell you that they will NOT hear anything with custody until you have established residency for six months. Also, if you get any type of state support (such as food stamps, medicaid, etc.) the state of Ohio will go after him for support if he isn't already paying.
You are going to have a hard time where ever you want to move. DO NOT up and move because it WILL cause you more problems especially being he is already unhappy that you want support, the deadbeat will probably be as vindictive as possible.

I live in Ohio and I can tell you that they will NOT hear anything with custody until you have established residency for six months. Also, if you get any type of state support (such as food stamps, medicaid, etc.) the state of Ohio will go after him for support if he isn't already paying.

I've actually thought about offering to cancel the child support order (if that's even possible I don't know) if he let's me move without fighting me on it since he seems to care more about money than his daughter anyways. He hasn't seen her in months and claims its because he can't afford the $30 in gas each way as we currently live 140 miles apart yet he can afford his drugs beer and going out to the bar on weekends. It's pathetic.
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