Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Warrant looking for stolen property

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Hello, I have a question about two search warrants that were served on the same residents on two separate days. Location is Hickory county Missouri. The question I have is that in both of these search warrants they were looking for "stolen property"... Nothing else was listed just stolen property. I dont know the law very well but you would think a judge would like to at least see some sort of an itemized list and or serial numbers of the stolen property in question in order for a judge to sign both warrants??Who is to know what is stolen?? So law enforcement served both these warrants when there was nobody home, removed alot of property that is not stolen and holding as evidence. No charges have been filed for any of this evidence they are holding pending their investigation. Seems like the judge just gave law enforcement a key to this house to enter and remove what ever they felt like removing. And to top this off, what they did remove was scribbled down on notebook paper and left behind unsigned with copies of both warrants. My question here, what is supposed to be listed on a search warrant?
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