Was hired, then told not going to hire

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My GF, was called by a previous employer to submit application for hire in united deli, because they needed help. (she previous worked there). Application was submitted and was approved , the day she was suppose to come in, was called and told the district manager would not hire her.
She was convicted for fraud, serve and completed sentence. My question is she revealed this on application, the person who reviews application said this was not a problem and they told her she was hired. But district manager got word of it and said he wouldn't hire her. Is there any legal ground for a discrimination suit of some sort.
This seems like a personal decision by the district manager. Since the hiring department stated no problem and she was hired and to start work. She completed everything the court sentence.
Employers don't have to provide a reason for not hiring anyone.

I'm sure her conviction played a part in the decision to not hire her, but convicted felons are not a protected class.

No, there is no basis for a lawsuit, based on what you've posted.
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