Assault & Battery Was I assaulted in the eyes of court??


New Member
United Kingdom
I was at a school fight, and someone who wasn't involved in the fight felt the need to go around punching people in the face, he punched a total of 4 people, I went over to him and tried to calm him down, and told him to not get involved, however I did turn him to face me by touching his chest, he then threatened to punch me too, his words being "do you want me to f*ck you up" I replied by saying obviously not but if you want to then go ahead, he then tried to punch me, missed, and then caused me to slip, whilst I was in the motion of slipping he ran at me and body slammed me onto the ground leading with my head, my head hit the ground with serious force causing me to fall unconscious for 15 minutes or so, I was then taken to hospital.

This is the actual story of what happened, however I know he is getting his friends to say that I grabbed him by the neck and provoked him verbally by shouting abuse at him, where do I stand in court if I was to press charges, and will there be a comeback on me if it goes wrong?
This website discusses the laws of the USA, because none of our contributors know anything useful about the laws of your island queendom.
It's simple.... You touched him first. Once you grabbed him you commited assault yourself. NEVER.... Put your hands on someone else. If you were in the U.S. and grabbed someone like that. They will pull out a gun and fill your butt with bullets. :-)

But as stated above. This is a U.S. site...
The laws of the US and the UK are not the same. We have no experts on UK law here.

But if you want my advice, it would be to keep your hands to yourself. What someone else is doing is not your affair.
where do I stand in court if I was to press charges

Where do you stand in court? Wherever the judge tells you to stand.

In the U.S., private citizens do not "press charges" in criminal matters. I don't know if that's the same or different in the UK.

will there be a comeback on me if it goes wrong?

I have no idea what this question might mean. "A comeback" is something that happens in a sporting event when Team A builds a huge, seemingly insurmountable lead (e.g., in football, overcoming a 35-3 deficit shortly after halftime; or, in soccer, overcoming a 1-0 deficit).

So you have no help or advice?

What sort of "help or advice" are you seeking?

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