Affid. Of Truth:
I, John Quincy Jones, the undersigned, make this affidavit of my own free will and hereby affirm, under my oath, that the information contained in this affidavit is true and correct.
This affidavit is lawful notification to the (name of county Upper & Lower Case Type, (i.e., Los Angeles County)) _________ District Attorney, hereinafter referred to as the prosecutor, and is hereby made and sent to the above named prosecutor pursuant to the Federal Constitution, specifically, the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X, and requires your written response to me within 10 days, via your sworn and notarized affidavit, specific to the subject matter specified in this affidavit. Notice to Principals is notice to agents, and notice to agents is notice to Principals. You are hereby noticed that your failure to respond, as stipulated, and rebut, with particularity, anything with which you disagree in this affidavit, is your lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this affidavit is true, correct, legal, lawful, and fully binding upon you in any court in America, without your protest or objection, or that of those who represent you. Your silence is your acquiescence.
I, John Quincy Jones, hereby affirm that the following actions and events took place:
1. I delivered to the prosecutor's office my "Declaration of Standing" on or about
_____________ (date).
2. The document notified recipient: (a) of my legal standing; that the prosecutor did
not have proper jurisdiction over me to prosecute this instant case, (b) that the
prosecutor, within a specified time period, is required as a matter of law to rebut
my charges and averments made in those letters if the prosecutor disagreed with
them; (c) that if the prosecutor failed to do so, then the prosecutor agreed with
and admitted to my charges and averments;
3. The prosecutor received the document but failed to respond to the subject matter
contained in them;
4. The prosecutor failed to rebut any of my statements, charges or averments made
in the referenced letters;
5. Pursuant to the notice contained in the letters, The prosecutor, by his or her failure
to respond to, and further, by his or her failure to rebut my charges and averments
made in my referenced document, The prosecutor agrees with and admits to my
charges contained in the referenced letters;
5. By the prosecutor's failure to rebut the charges contained in the referenced
document, he or she admits to all of my charges. The charges, to which The
prosecutor agrees, by his or her failure to rebut them, are listed below.
Exhibit A: Included his/herein documents the following facts:
A. I am not JOHN QUINCY JONES (your name in ALL CAPS).
B. I am a flesh and blood human being not subject to the jurisdiction of the prosecutor, but rather the Sovereign in Yick Wo: Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370"
C. I have no contract with the state of ______________, (name of state in Upper & Lower Case Type) the county of __________, (name of county where traffic trial is being held) nor the city of __________. (name of city where traffic trial is being held)
D. The prosecutor has no jurisdiction to prosecute this instant case.
"Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action." Melo v. US, 505 F2d 1026.
"This/here is no discretion to ignore that lack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. US, 474 F2d 215.
"The burden shifts to the court to prove jurisdiction." Rosemond v. Lambert, 469 F2d 416.
"Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted." Lantana v. Hopper, 102 F2d 188; Chicago v. New York, 37 F Supp 150.
"Jurisdiction is fundamental and a judgment rendered by a court that does not have jurisdiction to hear is void ab initio." In Re Application of Wyatt, 300 P. 132; Re Cavitt, 118 P2d 846.
"Thus, where a judicial tribunal has no jurisdiction of the subject matter on which it assumes to act, its proceedings are absolutely void in the fullest sense of the term." Dillon v. Dillon, 187 P 27
"A universal principle as old as the law is that a proceedings of a court without jurisdiction are a nullity and its judgment therein without effect either on person or property." Norwood v. Renfield, 34 C 329; Ex parte Giambonini, 49 P. 732.
Therefore I demand the court dismiss this case sua sponte due to the prosecutor's
lack of jurisdiction:
Date: ___________
John Quincy Jones, Affiant
We, the undersigned, witness this __th day of __________, 200_, that the one known to us to be __________________, (your name in Upper and Lower case type) did personally appear before us in Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, and upon affirmation execute and affix the above signature.
______________________________ ______________________________
(Witness Signature) (Witness Signature)
Address of Witness: Address of Witness:
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________