Wassa matta wiff U Q and yo' pals?

army judge

Super Moderator
Would that it were so, pastor, alas it ain't.

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"God has not forgotten. There are many that are still standing on the premise of what's happening with President Trump," he said. "As a matter of fact, I know for a fact that he has already been inaugurated."

Jansen made the comments after already claiming that Trump would return to the White House in June after officials worked to overturn the 2020 election results.

Trump remains a former commander-in-chief, with President Joe Biden still in office, as there was not — and still is not — any evidence pointing to election fraud.

In his most recent "prophetic insight," Jansen claimed that Trump was "sworn in" on March 4th to become the "19th president," pointing to a popular QAnon conspiracy theory.

Although entirely false, the QAnon prophecy predicts that Trump was inaugurated on March 4 to become the first true president since Ulysses S. Grant, as prior to the 20th amendment of the United States Constitution, adopted in 1933, the president and members of Congress took office on March 4.

Jansen later tried to explain why his previous prophecies have not come to fruition, saying, "You need to understand that when the word of the Lord comes to a prophet, the prophet speaks the word of the Lord. Things can shift."

"Not the goalpost," he added. "I'm not shifting the goalpost."

Pro-Trump Pastor Who Said Trump Would Be Back in Office in June Now Says He Was Inaugurated in March

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