Water pipe break in condo, causing damage to neighbor's condo


New Member
I had a water pipe break that caused damage to the neighbor's condo. The neighbor's condo insurance paid for the repairs. Now they are seeking to get reimbursed by me. Seems like a water pipe break (not a leak, faulty washer etc.) is considered an 'unavoidable accident' and is generally exempt from liability. Any feedback?
Any feedback?

Have you considered discussing your concerns with a couple or three local attorneys?

If not, unless you're PROPERLY and FULLY insured, prepare yourself for a financial shellacking.

Wasting my time and yours by elaborating would be an exercise in futility.

Know this, citizen, insurance companies aren't benevolent benefactors with their billions of dollars. Insurance companies employ herds of attorneys, ready, willing, and able to make them whole.

Educate yourself fully about your adversary/enemy. Otherwise, it allows them to have their way with you.

If you have renters/homeowners insurance, I suggest you immediately contact the insurer to see if they'll assist you, before you GET GOT!!!
Read your condo documents (CC&Rs, bylaws). If they don't hold you strictly liable regardless of fault then you aren't liable if there was no negligence involved.

I'm a retired property claims adjuster. My experience with condo water damage claims is that a pipe break generally does not involve negligence because it is sudden and unforeseen.

However, I strongly suggest that you notify your own insurer about this claim for reimbursement (it's called subrogation).

Let your insurer defend you against the other insurer. That's what you pay insurance premiums for.
Former COA board member here.

Read the CC&R's carefully so you know who in fact owns the pipe. Our COA owned the studs, drywall and pipes.
I had a water pipe break that caused damage to the neighbor's condo.

Where is the pipe located? How did it break? What do you mean when you say that you "had [the] pipe break"?

Seems like a water pipe break (not a leak, faulty washer etc.) is considered an 'unavoidable accident' and is generally exempt from liability.

Where did you get this idea? Why do you have "unavoidable accident" in quotation marks? Are you quoting something? If so, what? How did a faulty washer cause a pipe to break?

Have you tendered the reimbursement request to your own insurer? If not, why not? If so, what response have you received?

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