Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant weapons my ciggarette pack...???

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while on my way to work i was unfortunate enough to run out of gas. leaving a employee to gaurd my truck and tools i set to walk to get gas. a sheriff then talked to my employee whom did not have an id, he asked and ran his name,then left and approached me about a half a mile down the road. he asked me if that was my truck back there?...yes. whats your partners name?... i told him, he then asked me for my id and he ran it....stupidly i asked out of spite for me allowing him the priviledge of my gonna give me a ride?...yes if i wanted, however he must first make sure i dont have any weapons before i was let in to his car. i told him i had a pocket knife in my right front pocket (checking which pocket it was in thru my pants) he said that was fine then he asked me to turn around . he reached in my left front pocket and pulled out my cigarettes and openened them up and began looking inside them and behind the foil. though nothing was in my cigarettes i bagan to question his search for weapons in my smokes. and i tryed to step out and away from my voluntary werapons search the cop said get your hands out of your pockets which they werent in but i had touched the outside of my pockets but still he got even more excited and he told me to put my hands on top of my head. he then grabbed my wrist and twisted it back behind me and forceably dragged me over to the front of his patrol car. telling me quit resisting and when we got to the front of his car he thrusts his finger down into my jeans change pocket and whithdrew a small bag of meth. for which he arrested me for....bad day gone worse...i bailed out and have my first court date tommorrow... illegal search and siezure????????/
First of all, why do you have a bag of meth?

Second, you asked an officer of the law for a ride when you knew you had an illegal and controlled substance. You consented to a search. Which you later withdrew. But for whatever reason he decided you were being threatening.

Third, you gotta ask yourself...what would YOU do? If I was all alone on a back country road with two guys I don't know, and there may be some other serious issues in this area, and you have someone that is suddenly given his consent to search, then revokes it and starts questioning my searching practices...bells are gonna go off in my head.

In this case he was doing his job. Searching the cigarette package is not unreasonable, and in fact he's using it as a device to search for drugs. Sneaky sure, but some people are dumb enough to put joints in there.

If I had meth in my pocket, I would've walked back to my car.

So what happened with the court date, given this is over two weeks old?
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