What actions can be taken against me?

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New Member
I am on a lease, with 2 people, with 3/mons remaining. I went to the landlord's office and told them we would be moving out by the end of April. The office allowed me to break the lease and all the roomies would have to do is sign the release form. I mentioned that I was moving out by the end of April, I mentioned it 2 wks b4 May to my roomies(out on May 8th). Also I gave them an agreement saying that I will pay for the rest of May, giving them time and a half to find another roomy or take some other actions. They did not agree to the terms and are now, maybe, in danger of eviction, which is real soon. I know my name will be in the eviction as well if that happens. Now my roomies say they will take legal actions if I don't pay part of the rent for 3 months or so, as well as utilities and such. They stated in another letter that the only way the will sign the roommate release form was if I pay the rest of May(which I offered to them in the biggening) and pay an extra fee for contract cancellation fee(which does not exist in out contract) for their "troubles."

Reason for moving out: Harassement at work and home. If anyone would care to read:

I was denied a ride from my former roomy w/o telling me that he was not going to give me a ride to work anymore, thus I missed work. I was left by the same roomy at work, at night, w/o telling me that he wasn't going to give me a ride that night. So I was stuck at work until 9:30 PM. Name calling, putting vacuum dust on my dishes,throwing my stuff in the trash,threatened to tell the management office I have a dog; they allow pets anyway,drunk at one time and screamed in my face, banged the door hard that was next to my room as he walked by. At my work(caterer), we have 3 vehicles; truck, van (good condition), and another van (hazardous condition) which n one really wants to drive. What my roomy did was they took the truck for their catering AND took the keys to good van, leaving me with the hazardous van. Is this a form of violence? I left catering voluntarily, fearing that my other coworker might do the same thing again. Now I make less money. We work on campus so there is zero-tolerance for any type of violence.
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