What are considered college expenses?

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My divorce decree stipulated that my exhusband be responsible for the first $18,000 of my sons college expenses. My son has cystic fibrosis and does not want to go to a main college but would rather commute. He has spent $1,000 in gasoline so far (we have the receipts) plus I purchased a computer for him with the technology required for his classes (power point, etc) and some times if he doesn't come home 50 miles roundtrip he will eat on campus between classes. The expenses came to 1,500 for computer and 1,000 for gasoline and 61.00 for food in between classes.

Advise is greatly appreciated. 1/2 of the $18k was my money as well during the divorce, I should have thought this out better in the beginning so we would not be going through all this mess now.
I would say all expenses out of home in connection to school should be considered........including the computer and any other accessories required. Pretty much all what he does because of school should be an expense except any normal home expenses you do even if he was not going to school. For complications regarding the 18K which you say you have stakes, talk to your lawyer. There might be some interpretation in the divorce which we can't say without seeing the relevant documents.
I would say all expenses out of home in connection to school should be considered........including the computer and any other accessories required. Pretty much all what he does because of school should be an expense except any normal home expenses you do even if he was not going to school. For complications regarding the 18K which you say you have stakes, talk to your lawyer. There might be some interpretation in the divorce which we can't say without seeing the relevant documents.
I have one more question...is it possible to hold someone for contempt of court even if they lie and say they never received any information related to bills they were required to pay? i.e I contacted my x-husband's attorney to see if he would assist me in getting reimbursed, he did not return my call, I called my x-husband and politely said his son needed assistance with college; he laughed and hung up on me; then I sent a certified letter with the bills and he refused delivery. Then I hired an attorney and filed contempt of court charges. Our court date is January 10...
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