Parole, Probation What are options for a person on probation who has no place to live?

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My boyfriend has been out of jail on probation for about a year now, living with his mother. He only has a year left until he's done, but lately his mom has been threatening to kick him out and the arguments have begun to get more and more heated. Eventually he's not going to have a place to stay, with no other relatives here in Florida, and he can't stay with me. So I've been doing some research and trying to find some options for him so that he can have a place to live. If he gets kicked out (which is very likely) he'll get violated and sent back to jail. Are there any places that will help him find a stable job, and possibly help to provide him with housing while he tries to get back on his feet?
He should speak with his probation officer about placement in a half-way house.
He should do this Monday.
The longer he waits, the bigger the problem will become.
He should also admit to using drugs, again!!!
When they test him, it'll only be a bigger issue.
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