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My exhusband took me to court and was given custody of my then 15 year old daughter. After turning her against me. He was given custody and more than 36% of my income. It also states that no insurance was affordable on said child that we would split the medical bills. I did and do have medical insurance on her.
Later he took me back to court because the amount of child support is so high and I had fallen behind. The judge refused to lower my support and when I furnished her insurance paperwork he stated that since my current husband had it taken from his work income that it did not count...

Now I just got a letter from his attorney stating the he needs proof of the insurance or they will file contempt charges against me again. I am current in child support (which is killing my family financially) and she still has insurance. She took her insurance card from my purse before she left and we have been getting the insurance statements from where she has been seen. I cannot furnish her insurance card since they have it.

I cannot afford an attorney and could not in the previous contempt charge case either. I ended up paying over 3 grand for that one. I have no idea what to do..how do I get this to stop?
You haven't seen or spoken to Princess in a year, and she snagged her insurance card from your purse the last time you saw her? Okay.

Self-help legal resources

For those who want to consider filing an action in court on their own, below is a list of resources. These sites have forms and instructions, which include forms for legitimation and visitation.

www.fultonfamilydivision.com This is the site of the Fulton County Superior Court Family Division's Family Law Information Center. Any resident of the State of Georgia can visit the center in person at its location. The address is 185 Central Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. 30303. The phone is 404-335-2789. One can receive a free, brief legal consultation with an attorney by calling and making an appointment. However, a non-custodial parent must follow the guidelines of the county with legal jurisdiction over his/her particular legal issues.

www.co.dekalb.ga.us/dekalbflic This is the site of DeKalb County Superior Court's Family Law Information Center. Any DeKalb resident or person with a family law issue related to DeKalb County can visit the center at its location at 120 West Trinity Place, Decatur, Ga. 30030. The phone is 404-687-3990. Brief, legal consultations with an attorney are available for $10 by calling and making an appointment.

http://sca.cobbcountyga.gov/familylaw_workshop.htm This is the site of the Cobb County Superior Court Family Law Workshop. Any Cobb resident or person with a family law issue related to Cobb County can visit the center at 30 Waddell Street, Marietta, Ga. 30090. The phone is 770-528-1812. The workshop is free of charge and provides answers to basic questions about divorce, paternity/legitimation, contempt, and modification cases.

http://production.albany.ga.us/law_library/LL_forms_family_law.htm This is the site of the Dougherty County Superior Court Law Library. Any Dougherty resident or person with a family law issue related to Dougherty County can visit the center at its location at 225 Pine Avenue, Room 212, Albany, Ga. 31702. The phone is 229-431-2133. The library manager, who is an attorney, is available to provide assistance with conducting research, finding appropriate materials and possible legal resources, suggesting self-help resources, and answering legal reference questions in person or by e-mail. However, the library manager is not permitted to give legal advice or interpret specific legal situations.

www.hallcounty.org/judicial/jud_FLIC&GAL.asp This is the site of the Hall and Dawson County Superior Court Family Law Information Center. Any Hall or Dawson resident or person with a family law issue related to Hall or Dawson Counties can visit the center at its location at 225 Green Street, S.E., Gainesville, Ga. 30501. The phone is 770-531-2463. Brief, legal consultations with an attorney are available at no cost in Dawson County. However, a financial qualification is required for attorney consultations in Hall County.

http://www.appfamilylawcenter.org/ This is the site of the Appalachian Family Law Information Center serving Fannin, Gilmer, and Pickens counties. Any Fannin, Gilmer or Pickens resident or person with a family law issue related to these counties can visit the center at its location at 1 Broad Street, Suite 102 A, Ellijay, Ga. 30540. The phone is 706-299-1444. Brief, legal consultations with an attorney are available by appointment for income-qualified individuals.

www.LegalAid-Ga.org This site is a project of the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, the Georgia Legal Services Program and the Pro Bono Project of the State Bar of Georgia. It is a guide to free legal information and services including the topics of legitimation, visitation, and custody.

A list of the Georgia Superior Court Clerks for every county is on this web site: www.gsccca.org.


Child Support calculator: http://www.georgiacourts.gov/csc/

It seems to me that the way to get this current dilemma (proof of insurance) to stop is to find an alternate way to prove that your daughter has insurance coverage. There are other ways, besides a copy of an insurance card, to prove coverage. I am the benefits administrator for my employer and when someone needs proof that they have insurance through our plan, I can provide them with that. I've done it many times for employees. Often all I have to do is write an official letter stating that the coverage is in place, who is covered, and how long the child has been covered.

You should check with the company providing the insurance plan and ask them what they might be able to provide to verify that your daughter is covered under their plan. If it's through your current husband's employer, have him check.
I am also a benefits administrator and not only have I written many of the letters Cynthia describes, but it's quite possible that all you have to do is call the Customer Service office for your health insurance carrier and they will provide you with a duplicate card for your use. Many insurance carriers will not provide cards in the names of dependents anyway, so a letter from your employer or health carrier is most likely your best bet.
When my one brother lost his health ins. card, I did what cbg suggested. I called the ins. carrier & asked for a duplicate & they sent it without any problems. They didn't even ask to speak to my brother since I knew all of his information.
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