What Can I do About This Speeding Ticket?

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New Member
This morning I was issued a speeding ticket by a State Patrol Officer. I was heading East on my way to college on Highway 14. The State Patrol Officer was heading West. He noted that he clocked me at 63mph & when we passed each other, he said my speed accelerated to 64 than 65 than even 66mph. He said he "reduced my speeding ticket violation to 65mph instead of 66mph." Btw, the speed zone was 55mph.

I am very new to this, but is there anything I can do to reduce this speeding ticket? I will try to list as many things as possible below:

Anything on the paper he gave me that he could have possibly screwed up on that I can check over?
I am 19. Male.
Freshman in college
There was no body ahead of me or no body behind me when I got pulled over. I can see for miles.
I have only had 2 (if) violations in the past 3-4 yrs. TO be honest, I don't think 1 was put on my record.
The highway turned into a 4 lane 65mph zone 4-6 miles ahead

According to Minnesota, if the speed is less than 10mph over in a 55mph zone, it won't go on my record. I'm still curious on how I could reduce it?

Continuance for dismissal?

Yep, I am. So, what makes you think you're entitled to a reduction since this is your third violation? And by your own description were speeding?
Re-read my initial Post. Here, let me help you out:

According to Minnesota, if the speed is less than 10mph over in a 55mph zone, it won't go on my record. I'm still curious on how I could reduce it?

Continuance for dismissal?


Key Quote: "I'm curious on how I COULD reduce it?"

Show up for court & hopefully he doesn't show. The ticket would get dropped.

Have a mechanic check my "speed gauge" & if it's off, file for Driving with defective equipment.

There I just named 2. I know there are more. This forum is a joke. You guys call yourselves professionals? I'm 19 & I just named two. You guys couldn't name a single one.
You seem to misunderstand the purpose of the forum. It is not to help people avoid the consequences of their actions so that they can continue to break the law with impunity. It is to provide general legal information.

(and may I say how DELIGHTED I am to see SJ back!)
Show up for court & hopefully he doesn't show. The ticket would get dropped.

Have a mechanic check my "speed gauge" & if it's off, file for Driving with defective equipment.

There I just named 2. I know there are more. This forum is a joke. You guys call yourselves professionals? I'm 19 & I just named two. You guys couldn't name a single one.

Those are unlikely to be of much help. Ask the prosecutor about traffic school.
I agree that traffic school is the best way to keep it off your record. You will not find a way to reduce the speed written on the citation.
You have a 50/50 chance pushing the matter to trial, but if you do you could lose your opportunity for traffic school.
Since you have other violations in the past couple years you may not be eligible for traffic school anyway.
Other than the officer failing to show and the citation being dismissed you will not find a way out of paying on this.
Traffic school still requires you to pay but does keep the citation off your record if you are eligible.
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