What Can I do?

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OK here is my situation. My ex-wife lives in california and I live in texas. Our daughter is 3 years old and custody has been established. Our daughter is going to school in california and I will get to see her whenever she has school off.

My child support hearing is May 25th and I plan on being there. I submitted documentation that states that I make 47k currently. My current wife moved back to Bangladesh to be with her sick mom and I plan on going as soon as the court case is done. I have looked for a job in Bangladesh and found that in my profession they make 434,318 taka a year. That in US dollars is about 6k. What and how do i present this to the court and will they base that salary for child support? I will not be making anything more and will not be able to pay 300 a month even on that kind of salary. What do I do? and how do I present this? I am leaving right after my case and know the ex- would be so mad about this. But I need to be with my wife and could end up staying for 2 years.

Please help,

You'll be responsible for your current level if support until your situation changes.

It'll change when you quit your current job to zero.

You don't know when or if you'll get a job in Bangladesh.

However, you'll be responsible for the support you're ordered to pay.

I suggest you consult with a lawyer.

This money problem will not go away in Bangladesh.

Even though they can't touch you there.

Your support will still accumulate.

You really need a lawyer.

You're stuck paying support until that kid becomes an adult, new wife, or not!

Hire a lawyer. You can't get a better deal without one.
I truly understand your concerns..but you could still be imputed at least 40 hours @ min. wage. The courts are not likely to be sympathetic to your wife's mother's health; it doesn't affect the need for support of your first child.

If you cannot pay, it's likely that the arrears will just accrue and when you do come back you can have an amount added to the monthly payment to start paying those off.
Nothing has been established yet as far as payments per month yet. I will have to quit my job right before the case in order to go to california and then leave for Bangladesh. How do I present this to the court? I am not running from payments. I am going to help my wife and want to do my part and will. In bangladesh the 5k a year is a lot but not in US terms and dont know whats going to happen.

You will likely be imputed a wage of 40 hours at US minimum wage, and the payments based upon that.

Honestly, the courts take the stance that your first responsibility is to your child and that you're "voluntarily" leaving your job.

The only thing you can hope for is an abatement, but you'll need an attorney for that...and that doesn't happen often anyway.
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