what can i do?

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So if someone is caught stealing and it was told to a general manager.. he can choose to dismiss the information provided and blame another employee .. without. An investigation cut hours and force unemployment... they can legally do that?

Yes. They can legally do that.

What happened to you may or may not have been fair. It was, however, legal. There is NOTHING you can do to force the employer to schedule you for one single hour more than he wants to give you.

Tomorrow. Pick up the phone. Call the UI office of your state. File for benefits. Then start looking for another job, and quit the one that is only giving you six hours a week when you find them. In the meantime, six hours is better than no hours.
Unless you can provide some kind of support for the position that your hours were cut BECAUSE OF your race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, pregnancy, age (over 40 only) or genetic information, the EEOC will not be able to help you.
Yes... perfectly legal. Filing charges within a company is up to that company. They could have given that employee a reprimand and decided to keep the employee. This is well within the right of the company. If your unhappy my suggestion would be seek employment else where.
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