what constitutes harrassment or alienation

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I have worked at this company 2 years-my roommate also works at this company-she became my ex-roommate thru a nasty exit in June. To say it is horrible working here is an understatement. It is extremely uncomfortable and downright ridiculous as of late. She had accused me of "hacking" into her email at home -which later was proven to be incorrect by Comcast as she had set up her email address incorrectly and actually had access to mine). Ugliness ensued ,now we just dont speak. I was continuing to get her emails from her acct (due to the incorrect way it was set up) and even got one with her new address on it. After sending her copies of all the ones I had rec'd she told me she didnt believe me and to stop sending them. So I did.I had sent a letter stating she had till 8/1 to pick up the furniture and 3 other boxes of stuff she left at my home to this new address and then deleted the email with the address. She told my office manager that I had to have gotten it thru looking at computers at work as I am here hours before others. Needless to say her and another employee have it out for me. Everything I do or say is constituted as mean or nasty. A week ago my boss took Facebook off my computer and I asked did he take it off everyones or just mine he said everyones. Then I found out that wasnt the case he said he had allowed everyone else to take it off theirs as they knew how. I have had several mutual friends email me proof they are not blocked as I am. Now let me just say I could care less if we have access but I feel as if I am being singled out and it is humiliating in a building of adults. there are only 5 of us here. Today I responded to an email sent by this person and next thing I know the office manager is in my office telling me I need to drop it. All I did was ask a couple of questions. Made sure I wasnt sarcastic or nasty -I know my ex-roommate made the mistake but instead of calling her out I let it go and asked a question instead of an accusation. I do not come out of my office all day. I eat by myself and I do not converse with most. It has become so hostile here I am looking for another job. Now I havent gone back to my big boss and made him aware that everyone is still using Facebook as I figure ignorance is bliss. But I get physically ill coming to work and I cannot speak without fear of accusations. What should I do??
Can you at least break that up into paragraphs with some white space? It's very hard to read such a huge block o' text.

Having said that, you DO need to drop it. Don't address personal issues on company time. If you can't find a way to be around this person or work with them, then maybe you need to look for another job where you can start fresh.
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what constitutes harrassment or alienation
Jurisdiction/Place: USA - Georgia

I have worked at this company 2 years.My roommate also works at this company.She became my ex-roommate thru a nasty exit in June. To say it is horrible working here is an understatement. It is extremely uncomfortable and downright ridiculous as of late.
She had accused me of "hacking" into her email at home -which later was proven to be incorrect by Comcast,as she had set up her email address incorrectly and actually had access to mine). Ugliness ensued ,now we just dont speak. I was continuing to get her emails from her acct (due to the incorrect way it was set up) and even got one with her new address on it. After sending her copies of all the ones I had rec'd she told me she didnt believe me and to stop sending them. So I did.
I had sent a letter stating she had till 8/1 to pick up the furniture and 3 other boxes of stuff she left at my home to this new address and then deleted the email with the address. She told my office manager that I had to have gotten her new address thru looking at computers at work as I am here hours before others.
Needless to say her and another employee have it out for me. Everything I do or say is constituted as mean or nasty.
A week ago my boss took Facebook off my computer and I asked did he take it off everyone's or just mine he said "everyone's". Then I found out that wasn't the case.When I confronted him with the question of how are they accessing Facebook when it was blocked on everyone's computer, he said he had allowed everyone else to take it off theirs as they knew how. I have had several mutual friends email me proof they are not blocked as I am. Now let me just say I could care less if we have access but I feel as if I am being singled out and it is humiliating in a building of adults.
there are only 5 of us here. Today I responded to an email sent by this person and next thing I know the office manager is in my office telling me I need to drop it. All I did was ask a couple of questions. Made sure I wasn't sarcastic or nasty -I know my ex-roommate made the mistake but instead of calling her out I let it go and asked a question instead of an accusation. I do not come out of my office all day. I eat by myself and I do not converse with most. It has become so hostile here I am looking for another job. Now I havent gone back to my big boss and made him aware that everyone is still using Facebook as I figure ignorance is bliss. But I get physically ill coming to work and I cannot speak without fear of accusations. What should I do??

reposted per request-Now I know looking for a job is easy-finding one is almost impossible. Now having said that-I am staying out of everything and have nothing to do with anyone-I dont bring personal to work anymore in fact it is extremely the opposite-but i cannot say that for the others. All I am asking is there anything I can do or say that might catch the ear of the boss and see I am being targeted. I mean he is being manipulated with info from others and I have kept my crap and my issues out of the office. Again others havent.
From over 30 years of work experience in various positions, I've learned the best practice is to say little to nothing to management regarding petty employee grievances. Aside from true harrassment such as sexual advancements and/or physical assualt, minor issues may be an annoyance to your supervisor.

Also, you may never know the true relationship between your supervisor and your fellow employees. You may inadvertantly cause distain to yourself from your supervisor.

Unfortunately in a small company which does not have a HR department, you've no one else to turn to other than the Manager/President/Supervisor. They are usually too busy to be bothered with simple employee matters.

If indeed you just can't enjoy working within the present enviroment, the only alternative is to search for different employment.

am being singled out and it is humiliating in a building of adults
A child continually complains till they are fully content. An adult puts their mind to their work and getting the job done.
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