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I personally don't know that i've got anything but friends and family are pushing me to seek legal advice. I thought i'd start here first. Here's the story
August 11, 2007 i was a the lake with friends when we decided to cliff jump. I hit the water wrong and was in alot of pain. The next day we decided that i had better go to the ER. There we discovered that i shattered my L1 vertebrae and that i would either have to undergo surgery or wear a brace for 4 months. Both options left me out of work for an unknown amount of time. Naturally i chose the brace option. I called work to let them know that i would not be in and would keep in touch regarding work status. They say all is fine and wish me well and a fast recovery. Less than 2 weeks later I get a call from the HR director and was fired because i couldnt come back to work immediately. *side note* i work for an orthopedic clinic and one of our doctors is my treating physician and he is the one who has me off work until reevaluated on september 24*
Well since losing my job, that means losing my insurance. Unless of course i pay the premium for september which would be $500. with no income that is impossible. Without insurance or income i can not afford to continue treatment for a very serious injury.
~No, i couldnt apply for FMLA as i had only been there 6 months.
~I also did not apply for AFLAC through the company when it was offered.
~I cannot recieve unemployment at the present time because i actually still owe for being overpayed from the last time.
-If i cannot go back to the doctor to be released to work, i cannot work. simple as that.
Do I have anything or am i just destined to be unemployed for the rest of my life?
sorry that was kinda long.
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