Hi everyone. I have been married for the past 2.5 years and it's clear to me that my wife is not the person I thought she would be.
I wonder if she feels about you, as you feel about her?
If you want to knock someone's socks off, your actions must
exceed expectations rather than just meet them. So, dazzle folks by your effort, pamper them with your care, and wow them with your commitment.
Always give 110%. It's the extra 10% that everyone remembers.
You won't receive kudos for merely doing your job or buying someone flowers on Valentine's Day. So, be a little creative and do something out of the ordinary. Surprise people by giving them your undivided attention, bowl them over with your sincerity, and overwhelm them with your
kindness and
generosity. Here are 45 clever ways to exceed someone's expectations:
- Charge less than the estimate.
- Give your spouse flowers for no reason at all.
- Pick up the tab for a stranger.
- Promise it in five days and deliver it in three.
- Write a glowing review — without being asked.
- Give someone an opportunity they'd never secure on their own.
- Pay your intern — even though they agreed to work for nothing.
- Compliment a stranger.
- Share your knowledge with someone who could benefit.
- Make a gift rather than buying one from the store.
- Give stuff away — for free — instead of selling it.
- Volunteer to do work that no one else wants to do.
- Be kind to someone who's in no position to help you.
- Pitch in even though it's not your job.
- Reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in years.
- Send a handwritten thank-you note instead of a text.
- Give credit where credit is due.
- Request more work — as soon as you complete your task.
- Pick up trash even when it is not yours.
- Give a tip to someone who normally doesn't receive one.
- Buy one for yourself…and then gift one to a friend.
- Pay more than the bill requires.
- Add customer value — without charging for it.
- Recount details of a conversation that you had with someone years ago.
- Use your social network to help a colleague.
- Put a basket of treats outside your front door to thank your delivery folks.
- Tell someone to pay it forward instead of being paid back.
- Prove that you trust someone by giving them added responsibility.
- Be up-front with your customer to protect them from being blindsided.
- Send a note to someone who could use some cheering up.
- Talk to a shy person at a social event.
- Stick up for someone who's being mistreated.
- Give a young couple a date night by volunteering to baby-sit — for free.
- Send a note of appreciation to someone special in your life.
- Ask, "How can I help you?" (And then follow through.)
- Compliment someone in public rather than in private.
- Help an elderly neighbor with a household chore.
- Wear a gift that someone gave you — in their presence.
- Send a copy of a photo to the person who's in it.
- Forgive someone — even though it's hard.
- Admit when you're wrong.
- Celebrate other people's wins.
- Keep your word — even though things have changed since you made the promise.
- Offer before being asked.
- Share this list with others who can benefit from it.
If you think these actions are easy to do, you're probably right. The problem is that most people get so caught up in their day-to-day routine that they either forget to do them or rationalize that they're too busy.
Going above and beyond isn't about performing a specific act as much as it's a mindset. It's about putting others first. It's about being proactive rather than waiting for others to tell you what to do. And it's about putting your heart into everything rather than going through the motions.
When you exceed expectations day in and day out, it's not only fantastic for others, it says a lot about you.
You see, exceeding expectations is about striving for excellence in everything you do. It's about striving for long-term relationships rather than short-term wins. It's about doing what's right rather than what's convenient. Most of all, it's about trying to do better and
be better, every day. In other words, it's not only what you do; it's who you are. As Ralph Marston, the professional football player, said, "Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality."
If you want to knock someone’s socks off, your actions must exceed expectations not just meet them. Here are 45 ways to exceed expectations.