When I was married, we purchased a piece of real estate which my ex-husband adored. Our divorce was uncontested and I allowed him to keep the house provided he refinance into his name within 12 months of the divorce. The reason I gave him that much time is because he wouldn't have qualified at the time of divorce. When the time was near to expire, I signed a quick-claim deed to allow him to finance. I later received a call from the company that holds the 1st mortgage (there is 2 mortgages) asking about payment. He just left the property and I don't know where he is today and it is now on my credit report listed in foreclosure.
What should I do to protect myself in this situation? Will I ever be able to purchase a home for myself and my family? If so, when?

What should I do to protect myself in this situation? Will I ever be able to purchase a home for myself and my family? If so, when?