What is bail used for with bond costs?


Well-Known Member
So - with the ex. Next week should be the last court date he needs a ride for. I am taking him since I bailed him out. His trial is next month; however, the day after his court date next week he starts 23 days for basically probation violation. When he lived with his mom I guess he couldn't get anyone to give him a ride to do UAs and missed a class or something. (His mom lives about 30 minutes from the probation office...small rural towns). He said it was called a sanction. He gets to do the time in the town I live in now since that was the first place his probation was moved from KS.

So the court he has this trial in, well the sheriff, the judge should order the sheriff to come down and get him for trial. I'm wondering will they take that out of his bail for bond costs? What I was told initially is I would get less 10% back. I'm just wondering if someone is in jail while on bond would they take it out of the bail money?

I would think they would revoke his bail but they didn't revoke it in April when he sat in jail for taking my car. They didn't revoke it when he got sent to KS for his probation revocation hearing. I guess if they do, they do and I get nothing. Something will be better than nothing that just popped in my head when he told me he has to sit for this sanction and the 23 days ends a few days after his trial starts.

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