What is considered harassment

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I am inquiring about an incident that took place at my significant others place of employment. He is a police officer and was working special duty two consecutive days. The second day the workers were complaining about an officer that worked later the previous day, talking about the fact that he was drunk. My significant other was involved in an internal investigation( he is not sure who reported the incident to his superiors). He was asked to write a formal statement which at the time he stated he would not do but that he would take them to the job site to let them speak to the workers that were talking about this, which he did. After that he was still ordered to write a statement, which he did and included in that statement that he was ordered to do so. The investigation ended and as there was no wrong doing found. My significant other is now being put through an internal investigation for complaints by this other person that he was spreading unjust rumors about him,however, he was ordered to write the statement. Where does he stand or what should he do? Should he have a lawyer? We are not sure what step to take next.
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