all of my rules can be backed by the Bible and he is the one who wants to live by Bible standards. So he is choosing to allow God to tell him what he can and cannot do. I have an open policy in my home. Any rule any of my children don't agree with I have to prove from scripture that it would not be pleasing to God or that it puts them at risk of disobeying God. If I cannot clearly show that with the Bible only, no other religious publication, then the rule is nullified. My ex did not allow me to have any friends, he would not allow me to spend time with my parents, if I could somehow gain a tiny bit of freedom from him, he would call me every five minutes to check in on me, when our child was 2 I was told if I did not sign over custody I would never see my child again. By the time I found out that wasn't true it was too late. My ex uses many of the same tactics to make sure our child does not leave the authority of his house, he is going on 16 and is not being taught to drive, I was married to my ex at 16 til 21 never taught to drive, any time I wanted to leave I was either guilted or intimidated, when I found the courage to stand up, my finger was twisted, my arm grabbed tightly, or held down in a way that told me he was stronger and I was powerless. I have never tried to talk my child in to wanting to live with me, I have only tried to help my child live the best possible life and how to deal with what ever circumstances he has had to the best way possible. I have always told him to be obedient and respectful to my ex and supported my ex anytime there was a need for proper discipline even when he felt such was taking away one of his weekends with me. My child has come to me and asked me to live with me, knowing full well our beliefs and the type of lifestyle that is required. That is not ME CONTROLLING ANYONE. Go ahead and laugh at my beliefs. I came here for help not ridicule. But I will still show respect for anyone elses way of life as long as such does not cause harm to another.