What to do with a car that is up for repossession but no one wants it.


New Member
My brother has a car that he took out a title loan on about 3 and a half years ago. He lost his job and fell behind on the payments. He has told them time and time again to come get the car. (The car cranks but won't go past 40mph when you try to drive it.) He told the loan company that it had transmission problems and to come pick it up because he couldn't make the payments. The supposedly sent it to a repo company and no one ever came to pick it up. It's still sitting in the yard where it has been for the the past 3 and a half years out in open and easily accessible for them to repo it. He has called them several times over the past 3 years and told them to come get it. They act like they don't want it but at the same time my brother can't do anything with it because they have the title. A guy wanted to buy it for parts but my brother is afraid to sell it to him because he is afraid that he can get in trouble for selling it but at the same time he doesn't want this eyesore sitting in his yard for the rest of eternity either. What can he do about it?
They don't have to come get it when he demands. They want the money, not the car.

It would be unwise to part it out. He might consider checking the title status and seeing if the lien was ever actually placed on it.

They still have a couple more years to take action. He is probably just stuck with it if he isn't going to pay or fix it.
They don't have to come get it when he demands. They want the money, not the car.

It would be unwise to part it out. He might consider checking the title status and seeing if the lien was ever actually placed on it.

They still have a couple more years to take action. He is probably just stuck with it if he isn't going to pay or fix it.
The last time he asked them to come get it was about two months ago. And the person he talked to said they would have some one come out by the end of the week and get it but it's still there. He has tried to make a payment arrangement and they refuse to work with him but at the same time they act like they don't want the car either. He can't put it in the back yard because if they wanted it they couldn't get to it. Guess he is just stuck with it.
What can he do about it?

He could offer to haul the car to the lender's office as a "gesture of goodwill" requesting that his name be taken off title.
He could offer to haul the car to the lender's office as a "gesture of goodwill" requesting that his name be taken off title.

When the abandoned property is towed, the OP will be responsible for those charges as well.
When the abandoned property is towed, the OP will be responsible for those charges as well.

You ASSUME he will hire someone to tow it.

I it were me and I decided to tow it, I'd "do it myself".

He also said it was able to be driven under 40 MPH, so there MIGHT be that option.

Frankly, mate, if I were being paid for this, my answer would certainly be far more substantive.

Being that I'm simply VOLUNTEERING my words, very little of what I type is worth expending too many grey cells to achieve.

I don't obsess over these predicaments in which people seem capable of getting into, but paralyzed from extricating themselves.
You ASSUME he will hire someone to tow it.
You misunderstood. The place that he dumps his trash will have it towed and the tow company will go after the OP for (at the very least) the storage fees.
You misunderstood. The place that he dumps his trash will have it towed and the tow company will go after the OP for (at the very least) the storage fees.

You ASSUMED I suggested he do it WITHOUT obtaining consent from the lender.

I didn't suggest he dump the vehicle.

You seem to lack the ability to understand the written word.

You should IGNORE my writing as you have proven yourself incapable of simple comprehension.
You ASSUMED I suggested he do it WITHOUT obtaining consent from the lender.

I didn't suggest he dump the vehicle.

You seem to lack the ability to understand the written word.

You should IGNORE my writing as you have proven yourself incapable of simple comprehension.
I apologize if I misinterpreted your suggestion. Yes, he could offer to return the car in exchange for being removed from the title. The finance company will then be in a position to accept or refuse the offer.
I apologize if I misinterpreted your suggestion. Yes, he could offer to return the car in exchange for being removed from the title. The finance company will then be in a position to accept or refuse the offer.

No need to apologize for something you do with impunity and regularity.

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