What type of lawyer will I need for a lawsuit against a repair shop?

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That was a lot of words for you to use to say that you sued the wrong entity.
There was nothing "unfair" in the dismissal of your case.

And, as an aside, "fair" and "unfair" have nothing to do with what is legal.
Yes, I lost it. It was unfair. I didn't have a chance to speak a lot and question the other side.

There are rules about how things work in court.

It is more like a game of baseball than, say, football or soccer: each issue is handled in its own turn. Patience is necessary, to understand what can be presented when. I suspect that it's more that you didn't understand the process.
I have sued the right person, got proof, and am in the process of appealing it!

I did sue the right business and I got proof!
I have sued the right person, got proof, and am in the process of appealing it!
No. Per your postings you did NOT sue the correct entity.

And there is no basis for an appeal. One would appeal if there was an error in law. There was no error made.

You can refile your suit and name the correct ENTITY. The business not the owner of the business.

Seriously...go have a consult with an attorney (Civil Law) and have them clue you in on how to sue a business.
Thread close, purpose served, information dispensed.

Please OP, don't argue with our volunteer responders.
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