My friend and I (both minors) shoplifted $50 worth of stuff from kohls,
You are minors.
There is NOTHING an adult court can do to you for a petty crime of this nature.
There is NOTHING the merchant can do to you or a law firm retained by the merchant to harass, scam, scare, bully, or coerce money out of you.
Minors are protected from many things alleged to have been done as a minor or even after that minor becomes an adult.
I suggest you IGNORE the idle, toothless threats of the bully law firm, and its bully merchant.
I also suggest you and your pal use this incident as an OBJECT lesson for the rest of your lives.
What is the lesson?
Don't ever steal anything.
Stealing is for idiots and dope fiends.
I presume you and your pal aren't either.
You are naive, young snowflakes who bit off far more than you can chew.
Fortunately you engaged in this criminal endeavor at an age where the law deems you incapable of committing crimes, and says you can only commit delinquent acts.
However, from what you have revealed here, the police didn't arrest you and take you before a juvenile court judge.
You appear to have been cited, warned, and now the bullying starts.
You are inexperienced in the ways of crime, evidenced by the fact you were caught.
Yes, even in small hamlets, merchants pay people to protect their goods.
So, don't do stupid stuff again, especially crimes.
No crime is a nothing burger.
All crimes are taken seriously by responsible citizens, law enforcement, and the criminal justice process.
Fortunately for you and your buddy, you were too young to pursue.
Don't get me wrong, you can be pursued, but not for petty offenses.
Don't become emboldened by what you might take as a triumph, because if you persist in THIEVERY, eventually you will be pursued.
That might mean you get tried as an adult and end up in an adult jail or prison.
A little leprechaun has chosen to protect your stupidity.
It won't likely be done again, especially in a small town.